• The Chair: Leads the organization. Is responsible for all NE2U contracts, maintains and suggests changes to the strategic plan.
  • The Vice Chair: Assists the Chair as necessary in leading the organization;
  • Replaces the Chair at NE2U activities when that individual is not present or is unable to serve and serves as the parliamentarian for the organization;
  • Responsible for maintaining bylaws;
  • May sign documents and approve expenditures in place of the Chair should the Chair be unavailable;
  • Chairs the meeting committee;
  • Ensures benchmarking activities will be reviewed at membership meetings or the annual meeting.
  • Tools Chair: Guides development and implementation of work group tools;
  • Coordinates benchmarking activities with the NE2U membership on environmental sustainability topics that are consistent with NE2U’s strategic objectives and that promote the adoption of environmental sustainability best practices among businesses.
  • Finance Chair: Ensures that an annual budget is prepared and approved by the membership at the annual membership meeting;
  • Is responsible for collection the of dues; tracks the monthly spending,
  • Assists to resolve financial issues;
  • Ensures annual taxes are filed and that an audit of NE2U finances is completed annually.
  • Membership Chair: Coordinates membership drive initiatives and outreach to perspective members.
  • Communications and marketing Chair: Chairs the communications and marketing committee;
  • Authors NE2U communications to membership and publics;
  • Reviews all NE2U tools prior to publication for NE2U trade/identity conformance (including NE2U website); oversees NE2U web site updates and development of monthly newsletter, NE2U news;
  • In addition, approves requests for NE2U collaboration/speaking engagements at conferences.
  • Senior Advisory Council Chair: Leads the senior advisory council (sac). This council is comprised of the highest-ranking managers in each member company whose key responsibilities include environmental sustainability and/or EHS. In many companies, this is a Vice President level position. The Chair ensures that there are adequate opportunities for the sac to provide input to the NE2U board on the conduct and activities of NE2U. The Chair organizes appropriate meetings among the sac to discuss current environmental sustainability and EHS-related challenges and trends and how NE2U can assist the companies and its senior executives or other appropriate professionals in effectively managing them. The Chair provides a liaison between the senior advisory council and the NE2UBoard of Directors.  A member of the sac is eligible to serve as the sac Chair.