Liaison: NE2U may maintain liaisons with selected trade associations in order to facilitate the transfer of environmental sustainability and EHS expertise, experience, and practices within industry to the fullest extent possible.

Selection: The Board of Directors may nominate and membership may vote on designating those trade associations with which NE2U will maintain a regular liaison.

Representatives: Each trade association selected by the membership may designate a representative to NE2U.

Participation: Representatives of selected trade associations:

  • Shall be entitled to observe all activities of the NE2U membership.
  • Shall pay no fee or assessments other than charges for special events that also apply to all NE2Umembers.
  • Shall not be entitled to vote.
  • May, as appropriate, receive copies of materials sent to NE2Umembers.

Removal: Representatives of selected trade associations’ maybe denied further participation upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and a vote of the NE2U membership.