Small loans and financial services to break free from the cycle of poverty,
Limit the number of people that have had the opportunity to turn their businesses.
Child mortality is due to common preventable illnesses,
No access to clean, safe toilets, basic sanitation practices i.e. hand washing unknown or not put into practiced or followed, clean toilets, building plans…
Inadequate health and hygiene practices implying infections and conditions such as diarrhea are part of everyday life.
Results: Millions of preventable deaths from unsafe drinking water, lack of basic healthcare.
They are determined to change that:
NE2U Health programs focuses on training local women to become health leaders in their communities allowing them to spread life-saving knowledge and care while earning an income to support their families.
Training of Health Workers
The result; Improved health for community, and reliable source of income for health leaders.
QUALITY EDUCATION:Children miss quality education. Quality education is far too often a luxury that families living in poverty cannot afford.
Even though government schools are often low cost or free, many are overcrowded, underfunded, chronic teacher absenteeism, strikes, or a bureaucracy issue that makes it nearly possible for students to learn even basic literacy or numeracy skills.
Low cost, entrepreneur run private and community schools are fast growing solutions, but come with issues of their own. School fees and textbooks are expected to be paid as lump sum at the start of the year, a sum that can be too costly for families day-to-day.
Small loans help by giving parents the option of paying school fees and associated costs for uniform and textbooks upfront at the start of the school year allowing them to pay back in small, regular installments.
School fee loans make school fees manageable, encouraging families to prioritize their children’s education and providing the tools to do so.
School improvements loans help create quality classrooms in low cost community schools, allowing schools administrators to improve the quality of education they provide.
Alongside the funding that allows them to invest in better infrastructure or resources, school leaders are supported to continuously improve the quality of the education they provide through NE2U education program.
With access to quality education, the next generation has the chance to break free from the cycle of poverty for good.
Domestic Violence
Very common in many households.
Many women are not aware of their legal right to live without abuse.
In communities where women have little control over their lives and family environment, women and children seeking to flee from domestic violence often have nowhere safer to go.
Sex trafficking rings with promises of schooling, jobs, or marriage frequently target girls living in poverty. Parents often do not have the means or knowledge to determine whether the promise is legitimate or to identify traffickers, which are often family friends or relative and mistakenly believe they are giving their children a better future.